Afghan Crisis Response
The situation inside Afghanistan remains highly unstable. According to the United Nations, nearly half of the population requires humanitarian aid. Families in Afghanistan cannot afford to buy food and children are dying. Health services are struggling to treat malnourished mothers and children as they lack medicines and supplies. The situation is the worst humanitarian crisis on earth. Over three million children under five are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition, with at least a million of them at risk of dying.
Even before the recent conflict, change of government and collapse of the economy, people were struggling to survive the worst drought in 27 years, the effects of years of conflict and the disruption caused by the pandemic. Now, chronic poverty and hunger have deepened and those who fled their homes in recent months are living without suitable shelter.
FOMSA is monitoring conditions in the Afghanistan and considering opportunities to assist through partner organizations. Like Tabish partner, to connect displaced people in need of humanitarian services such livelihood, mental health and psychosocial food and nonfood material, we are helping communities break free from poverty. However, extreme poverty isn’t just about economic hardship and lack of opportunity, particularly for women It also leads to malnutrition, chronic illness, disease, domestic violence, gender-based violence
Harmful traditional beliefs about the role of girls and women, tribal and ethnic divisions, and cultural stigmas that marginalize the disabled, widowed, or abused, strip many from the fullness of life they deserve. Nevertheless, together, we can change that. When you give today, you help us restore the lives of vulnerable individuals, families and communities with dignity, honor and respect.